Cranmer, N., Han, T., Chedzoy, B., Smallidge, P. J., Beier, C. M., Johnson, L. K., Xu, X. Estimating merchantable and non-merchantable wood volume in slash walls using terrestrial and airborne LiDAR. Forest Ecology and Management, 569, 122211.
Johnson, L. K., Mahoney, M. J., Domke, G. M., & Beier, C. M. New allometric models for the USA create a step-change in forest carbon estimation, modeling, and mapping. In review.
Johnson, L. K., Mahoney, M. J., Desrochers, M. L., and Beier, C. M. Mapping historical forest biomass for stock-change assessments at parcel to landscape scales. Forest Ecology and Management, 546, 121348.
Mahoney, M. J., Johnson, L. K., Silge, J., Frick, H., Kuhn, M., and Beier, C. M. Assessing the performance of spatial cross-validation approaches for models of spatially structured data. In review.
Mahoney, M. J., Johnson, L. K., and Beier C. M. 2023. AI for shrubland identification and mapping. In Sun Z, Cristea N, Rivas P (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Earth Science, 295-316. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-323-91737-7.
Mahoney, M. J., Johnson, L. K., Guinan, A. Z., and Beier, C. M. (2022). Classification and mapping of low-statured shrubland cover types in post-agricultural landscapes of the US Northeast. International Journal of Remote Sensing 43:19-24 7117-7138.
Johnson, L. K., Mahoney, M. J., Bevilacqua, E., Stehman, S. V., Domke, G. M., & Beier, C. M. (2022). Fine-resolution landscape-scale biomass mapping using a spatiotemporal patchwork of LiDAR coverages. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 114 103059.
Mahoney, M. J., Johnson, L. K., Bevilacqua, E., and Beier, C. M. (2022). Ground noise filtering produces inferior models of forest aboveground biomass. GIScience and Remote Sensing 59:1 1266-1280.
Desrochers, M. L., Tripp, W., Logan, S., Bevilacqua, E., Johnson, L., & Beier, C. M. (2022). Ground-Truthing Forest Change Detection Algorithms in Working Forests of the US Northeast. Journal of Forestry fvab075.